In-depth review of leadsLeap For Your Marketing.

Let’s Dive Into This LeadsLeap Review.

In this article, we will dive into a thorough examination of Leadsleap, a platform that can help you build a list of prospective buyers, advertise your affiliate products, and make money.

The greatest aspect of all? It doesn’t cost a penny. To get started and the Pro Membership is LESS than $30 which is a bargain considering all the tools you get my favorite being the Autoresponder & Page/Funnel Builder.

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Below is a list of what is included in this document:

  • What is the purpose of LeadsLeap?
  • Generating Cash Flow with LeadsLeap: A Guide
  • Earn Income by Viewing Advertisements Online
  • Reap the Benefits of Referring Others
  • Earn profits from your referrals by introducing people to our products and services.
  • Make Money by Placing the LeadsLeap Widget on Your Website
  • Discovering the Steps to Utilize LeadsLeap to Promote Your Ads

LeadsLeap supplies a range of free promotional tools to its users.

Page Builder/Funnel Builder

Great way to create high-converting pages and funnels quickly. With this tool, users can build their own landing pages, sales pages, thank you pages, etc. without any coding knowledge.

Page Examples:

Funnel Linking:

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Autoresponder that is Liberated to Use

LeadsLeap also provides an Autoresponder that is liberated to use. This feature allows you to build your email list and create a series of automated emails that will be sent out to prospects who opt-in for your list.

You can use these emails to build relationships with your prospects and provide them with valuable information that will help them make informed decisions about the products or services they are interested in.

The Autoresponder also allows you to track the performance of your emails and make adjustments as needed. This is a great way to ensure that your messages are reaching the right people and helping you increase your online presence.

Turners – (Link Rotators)

Rotators can be another name for turners, which is a tracking link that is used to rotate multiple links. Allowing you to test multiple landing pages with a single link.

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Commercial Announcements (Ad Placement)

LeadsLeap also provides commercial announcements which are an effective way to promote your business or products. The commercial announcement page is a platform where you can post promotions and share them with other members.

These promotions can be posted in the form of banners, text ads, and HTML codes. You can also view the performance of your promotions by using the campaign tracking system which shows the number of clicks, impressions, and CTR that your advertisements have received.

This is a great way to measure how effective your ads are performing and make improvements where needed.

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PopupXpert: A Tool to Increase Your Online Presence

PopupXpert is a powerful tool that helps you increase your online presence by creating popups and opt-in forms. With this tool, you can create attractive popups that contain images, text, and videos.

You can also customize the look of your popup to match your brand or website design. PopupXpert also allows you to target specific visitors with personalized messages based on their location, interests, or browsing habits. This is a great way to engage with potential customers and increase conversion rates.

Comments on Social Media Platforms

Reviews shared on social media sites are an excellent way to receive feedback from customers. People can express their opinions on a variety of topics, from product quality to customer service.

These reviews can be a great resource for businesses to understand how their customers view them. Additionally, these reviews offer businesses a window into how their competitors are performing.

The Advantages of LeadsLeap

LeadsLeap has a lot of advantages, from the free promotional tools to the ability to earn income by viewing advertisements online.

The Autoresponder & Page/Funnel Builder are incredibly useful and can help you create high-converting pages and funnels.

With the Autoresponder, you can easily send out emails to your subscribers and keep them updated on the latest news or promotions.

The Possibility of Upgrading with LeadsLeap

Many people are familiar with Leadsleap as a PTC or traffic exchange site. However, there are other tools available on the website that can be used to advertise a product or website. It offers free solutions to help with the promotion of offers or websites.

In 2008, Kenneth Koh of Singapore launched Leadsleap, which has seen significant growth in popularity over the years.

It should be noted that there is no cost to join the website; however, they do provide a paid membership option. Therefore, I would highly suggest signing up for a free account if you have not already.

It is worth investigating the advantages that Leadsleap has to offer!

If you are familiar with ad swap services and you think thatt surfing ads on Leadsleap are similar, you are partly accurate. You might even get paid for doing so.

The great thing about Leadsleap is that it is more than just a lead exchange; it is also an advertising network. If your main objective is to make money, you can view the ads and earn credits. Once you have enough credits accrued in your account, you can exchange them for money.

In contrast to other PTC websites, there is no requirement to get ad packs and there is no set limit of how many ads you can view daily. You have the freedom to watch as many ads as you prefer.

To advertise a website or offer, you can do so with credit from Leadsleap. To obtain credit to promote any item on the platform, it is necessary to watch ads daily.

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In order to make money, you should watch as many ads as possible if you don’t want to put forth the effort of selling your own products.

This is the estimated amount of income that can be obtained through viewing ads on the internet:

It is up to you to decide how many ads you want to view.

You can still capitalize on the credits you have acquired if you view fewer than ten ads daily, regardless of whether you use them for advertising or cash out at a later date when the payment conditions are satisfied. However, you won’t receive the funds right away.

No timer comes with the ads. Viewing an ad or receiving an upline communication for 5 seconds earns you 0.2 credits. An additional 0.1 credit per 5 seconds up to three minutes is given. (Note: Leaving an open page for 3 minutes without engaging with it does not yield the full amount. The system records the time actively spent on the page. When 50 credits accumulate, they can be redeemed for $0.10.

Gaining credits is possible by giving ratings to other ads/communications or informing about any malfunctioning adverts.

Leadsleap gives out 5-10% of the total revenue it accumulates during the day to its users. Free members will get 5%, and Pro Members will get 10%. Therefore, for every 10 ads that you visit for 5 seconds, you will earn a penny. All the credits acquired throughout the day are added up to calculate your daily earnings, excluding credit encashment.

Credits that are not used up within 6 months will be forfeited. To avoid wasting your credits on advertisements, it is important to spend them all when you have accumulated 50.

Leadsleap provides an exceptional referral program that gives members the opportunity to earn up to 50% of the revenue on a recurring basis. Those who are registered as free members can expect to earn 25%, while pro members may get the full 50%.

Whenever your referrals view an advertisement, you will be rewarded with additional credits. This referral system goes up to 10 levels, so if you refer 20 people, you can accumulate the maximum of 10 levels of bonus credits.

The Leadsleap platform features a downline builder with ten levels. These tiers begin with the user’s direct referrals at level 1. Subsequently, the referrals of the level 1 team members become the level 2, and so forth.

At the Pro level, Leadsleap members have access to an overflow level. While each Leadsleap member should have ten uplines, this is not always the case as some may have ended their accounts. The empty slots are then assigned to other Pro Members, referred to as the Spillover Level. If a Pro member leaves, the overflow referrals will remain with them indefinitely.

The unique feature of Leadsleap is its downline messaging system. This allows you to craft ad-like messages to appear in the membership dashboard and emails of all your referrals.

This is an outstanding approach for advertising your goods. When those you’ve referred to see these notifications, they will gain extra rewards.

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If you are managing a website, you can potentially earn some money by adding the Leadsleap widget. To do this, you must construct an ad widget, obtain the corresponding code, and then insert it onto your website. If you are uncertain how to get this done, step-by-step directions are also provided.

The amount of money you make from your widget will be dictated by the quantity and caliber of people who click on and engage with the advertisements. If more people press on the ads and spend a longer amount of time viewing them, then you will gain higher profits.

Leadsleap offers a share of its advertising income to members who drive non-member third-party visitors through their widgets every week. Free members are entitled to 15% whereas Pro Members can earn up to 30%. All the revenues earned will be credited to the Leadsleap account.

A potential issue to consider is that when a user clicks on an ad, they will be taken away from your website and directed to a different one. This can be avoided, however, since ads open in a new window, meaning your visitors will remain on your page.

The Leadsleap Widget offers this!

-When a visitor to your website uses a form widget, it can result in extra points being earned.

Adding a Leadsleap widget to your website will activate the display of your adverts on the websites of other members.

-You have the freedom to alter the links in any way you desire. The color of the widget can be adjusted to suit the theme of your website. Additionally, the widget is optimized for mobile devices. Consequently, the ad size is automatically adjusted to fit the mobile display.

Using a plugin, you can quickly attach the Leadsleap widget to your WordPress-based website.

Once the widget is installed, it is possible to start earning money without delay, unlike Google Adsense.

Advertising with Credits is an option available to both non-paying and paying members. In order to access Credit-Ads, a certain amount of Credits is needed. Credits can be gained by viewing other advertisements in the network, or by taking part in the referral scheme.

As a member, you are eligible to post a credit ad so long as you possess one credit. Free members are only allowed to post three ads, whereas the limit for pro members is ten.

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Everything you should understand regarding Credit-Ads is outlined here.

Leadsleap differs from other ad networks, in that they don’t require a particular length of time spent viewing ads. In fact, members are awarded additional points for viewing ads for a longer period. This benefits both the advertiser and the member, as there is no time limit, enabling members to receive extra credit. This encourages people to spend more time investigating advertisements, which in turn leads to a higher conversion rate.

For a period of 14 days, a Credit ad will be visible. This means that if the quantity of credits on your account is greater, it will be exposed to a larger number of people.

By placing an Ad Widget on your website, your advertising will be displayed on the websites of other Leadsleap members who have the same widget. This will give you the opportunity to present your advertisement to visitors of those sites that are not Leadsleap members, and thus increases the chances of conversion.

An ad displayed for five seconds typically costs only 0.4 credits.

Pro Members of Leadsleap have access to Pro Advertising. This type of advertisement does not require ad credits and can be seen on the Leadsleap network at all times. Pro Members have the capability to post up to ten Pro Ads on their Leadsleap profiles.

We should take a look at certain attributes of Pro Ads:

-Ads that are in favor of a product or service will always be given priority over those which are simply promoting a brand.

The lifespan of Ads is indefinite.

-You can enjoy unlimited web traffic without needing to use any form of payment to run professional ads.

No evaluation process is required for Pro Ads. Your advertisements will be accepted quickly and broadcasted to the network.

-The members of Leadsleap will be receiving your Pro Ads in their daily emails.

Leadsleap provides a benefit in that your ads can be featured on the websites of other members even if you don’t have a widget of your own.

Leadsleap’s The Real Tracker (TRT) is a free tracking service that is invaluable for Internet Marketers and affiliates who need to keep track of the success of their different offers and URLs. With TRT, you can monitor the performance of each offer or URL.

Simply type your website address into the tracking tool.

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TRT will furnish you with data such as overall clicks on your advertisement, distinct visitors, genuine visits (if people watched your ad for more than 5 seconds), conversion of your ads, browsing duration, the origin of traffic, and country of origin.

Those who don’t have their own website can take advantage of Leadsleap and its TRT tool. This allows for the customization of the widget.

If you wish, you can activate Leadsleap advertisements on your tracker link. Additionally, you can include a pop-up window on your tracker as well, which can aid you in expanding your email list with no extra effort.

In a bit, I’ll delve deeper into the specifics of the Pop-Up program!

This image is linked to a URL which can be found at

LeadsLeap has a free app, PopupXpert, which can be used to create eye-catching pop-ups. PopupXpert provides plenty of options for constructing lead widgets, including slide-up bars, exit pop-ups, corner sliders, animated end-of-post-opt-in forms, and much more.

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We can investigate several of PopupXpert’s unique features, including:

-The widget can be personalized to suit your needs, like identifying the individuals or groups you wish to reach.

-The PopupXpert tool enables you to produce any fresh design.

-Responsive widgets can be tailored to fit various devices, such as phones and computers.

-Split testing can be done using PopupXpert.

It is possible to create different types of widgets based on WordPress Categories, Pages, or Posts.

In comparison to well-known autoresponder systems such as GetResponse and Aweber, Leadsleap does not provide an option for sending several consecutive follow-up emails to its subscribers. Rather, it sends a single follow-up communication to confirm their membership, known as double-opt-in.

Leadsleap offers a commendable platform for users to give their opinion on products and services and include their affiliate links as well.

Visible to both Leadsleap members and non-members alike, those who have upgraded to the Pro status can set up to five social reviews. All reviews will be visible on the user’s downline as well as their personal profile.

To complete this review, I must go over the main advantages and drawbacks of the platform. Let us take a look.

Signing up with Leadsleap has no charge whatsoever. People from all over the world can join this program and be free members for as long as they want. There is no need to become a paying member.

Leadsleap, which has been around since 2008 and continues to grow, is a widely-known website.

There is no limit to the amount of recommendations you can have. With ten levels of referrals and an “overflow” level, your earnings can be greatly increased.

-No Limits for Ad Viewing: You’re not limited in the number of ads that you can view. You’re able to stay on the ad as long as you’d like without any time constraints. Spending 3 minutes per advertisement yields higher rewards.

Membership to the club grants you access to a plethora of free marketing resources.

-As a member, you are not obligated to observe an ad for a certain period; however, you can choose to watch it for longer if it is an interesting one. Doing so will increase the chances of successful conversions when you are advertising.

-Complying with the requirement: To obtain your daily income, it is essential to view a minimum of 10 ads daily, with each session taking no longer than 5 minutes.

-A certain amount must be met before any withdrawals can be made: The minimum balance needed to withdraw profits is set at $10.

The Leadsleap upgrade plan carries a VERY affordable monthly cost of $27.

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Leadsleap is an outstanding platform for advertising your products, and it also offers the opportunity to get paid for them. It is the only service that can provide you with both of these advantages.

When it comes to marketing products that bring in money, Leadsleap is an effective tool. As its members are usually involved in the Make Money Online sector, it is likely that you will have competitors with similar offerings.

You will be able to reach a specific target market due to the fact that you will be part of a group of individuals who share similar interests.

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